It's quite a good thing that those robots aren't as smart as they're fast and powerful.

Grant is right that this isn't a democracy and Judy is the captain but:
1) The captain should still listen to and represent the wishes of the crew
2) There can be a mutiny if you ignore the votes

IMO Judy forgot to mention the most important point though: Their parents didn't want the kids to risk their lives in an effort to save their parents. I really wouldn't like to be in Judy's position. Her task is to save her crew (which is probably also very important for humanity? - since they don't have another engine/etc.?) and that's the option she should logically go for but if she doesn't attempt to save their parents then they'd never know what would've happened and they might hate her for "killing" their parents... :o At least they came up with a plan that made that choice a little bit easier.

Their most powerful weapon are Will's recordings of those voice commands. If only he had time to figure things out properly.

Anyway, quite a lovely reunion but what a cliffhanger at the end... :o

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