Review by FinFan

Quantum of Solace 2008

This isn't a bad movie by any means but after "Casino Royale" set the bar very high it was a bit of let down.
Despite having all the ingredients I never really felt I watch a Bond movie. I can't explain it but something felt off. I like Craig's Bond very much. The rawness and solitude his Bond displays. He's a wrecking ball instead of a scalpell at this point. His motivations are understandable and relatable. He feels human despite practicall being invincible.
I felt this movie had too much action for actions sake. Especially at the beginning you hardly had time to breath as one sequence chased the next. Which didn't leave much room to establish the story. And that's the biggest issue - the story. Too busy, too much cramped into a movie that is already among the shortest Bonds. Green didn't made a great villain. He was just boring. Olga Kurylenko's character was rather flat. She seemed more like an apendix than an integral part of the story. And did I mention the theme song ? No ? because it's that awfull.

The good stuff ? Judi Dench - once more. I do like her very much in this role. She took it and made it her own. And that's not taking anything away from her predecessors. Stunts are once more top notch but like mentioned above a bit too many.

The "Goldfinger" hommage scene with Gemma Arterton was nice. Especially since the did that one in oil. And one thing I noticed right at the beginning: I remember reading the press making fun of Craig that he got an automatic Aston in "Casino Royale". Writing that this Bond can't shift. Well the director seemed to making very clear this time that Bond can drive stick.

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