Do not watch this series if you cannot handle an open ending. There is no season 2 and the story is nowhere near a wrap-up.

The series season 1 is interesting and quite different from other computer-nerd centric series. I might even go as far as calling it realistic. Simon Pegg is in the most serious role I've ever seen him in, which is also refreshing.
The main accress is not just another woke face, she actually is a proper actress for a change. Also quite good. The story is a bit too slow as it focusses a bit too much on her family relations. Not very realistic is how the intern gets to go do field work, but ok, let's forget that mishap from the writers (suddenly you wonder if you're watching a series for 14 y/o's on Nickelodeon or something). Other then that it's an interesting look at how the Ruzzian trolls are doing their internet spam, manipulation and propaganda.
It's really disappointing that this small gem did not get a season 2.

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