I remember last episode complaining about how everyone is treating magic like it's a legally protected class. But then we have this episode where Carson is like "Stop saying sin-eater like it's something people say". Ironically sin-eaters ARE a thing people know. Sin-eaters were people would you could pay to take your sin so you would go to heaven. It's basically the way rich people absolved themselves using their wealth.

  • "Take him to a hospital"
  • "It's supernatural, too many questions"

What are you talking about. The supernatural is completely normal and we know this because we just had a legal case where no one batted an eye at Bess using magic to remove a mural in front of EVERYONE.

You can't have your cake and eat it too. The supernatural is either a hidden underground secret only people in the know are aware of only some of which even believe or it's something we litigate. It can't be both.

Come on it's just silly. The parents KNEW he was a sin-eater and no one said anything? I mean the further we get into this episode the less sense that makes sense. They KNEW "The Drew Crew" was hunting the sin-eater and never considered this might be a problem.

Carson: That was mystical extortion *horrified*

Hahaha. Come on friend. You JUST had a legal case of child endangerment where your client was accused of using magic and it was dangerous. In the most vague way possible.

George: You have that first day with the supernatural look

But it's not. It's been FIVE years of this. Why are we treating Carson like he's just finding out. He already knows.

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