Shout by Slight

Foundation 2021

I watched 15 episodes of this, and didn't really enjoy a single one. I should have given up sooner. It's a show that is visually stunning, but has pretty much nothing going for it. Which is odd, considering the source material. I think it comes mostly down to the actors, which I find piece by piece to be a giant mismatch to the story. Completely bland. Uninteresting. I've unwatched it and deleted it from my brain.

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@slight86 yeah right, so bland and uninteresting that it demanded unwatching and deleting from a person's brain... yet, those lofty words are quickly followed by the woke action of taking time (nay, making time) and putting effort into penning their thoughts and notions in a site that is meant to track their progress on TV... the hypocrisy and the cognitive dissonance of it all is mind-boggling!!
