
I honestly went into this with cautious expectations, also because I am not a Mario fan - I don’t think the games are awful, but they never hooked me either. But surprisingly this ended up being pretty enjoyable.

To address the flaws, the plot is a bit weird. And I can forgive most of it because it’s generally a goofy movie centered in a world which is full of video-game-like antics and mechanics, but sometimes it gets a bit too weird. For example the ending, where the whole town all of sudden starts to congratulate Mario even though the whole town is ruined and they probably didn’t even get enough time to process why a giant turtle rock has crashed half of the city. And that may sound nitpicky but it threw me out of the immersion a little bit. The movie also needs some time to get going, and I think I started to enjoy myself more when Peach appeared and we got some fun character dynamics.

The character cast in general is mostly pretty charming. Peach kicked ass, Donkey Kong is fun, and Mario also grew on me over the course of the movie. Others like Luigi are kinda bland but they serve their role in the plot pretty well. The comedy also was fun enough, it didn’t make me laugh but I enjoyed the antics and it kept me invested in the narrative. Highlights probably would be Bowser’s song (I did NOT expect him doing that) or the gloomy blue star. The scene after the “end” was funny.

So yeah, overall, this movie is good. It made me like the characters, it was pretty fun throughout, and the polish overall was good as well. Nothing special, but luckily not boring either, and I can see why Mario fans can enjoy this movie even more than I do.

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