Review by ksyk

-this season feels messy. Everyone knows the star plot thread is going to be aziraphale & crowley but the whole story is something about ineffability, free will, morally greyness vs moral black or white ness, so it feels like the show has been pulled in two directions. The plot requires Adam, anathema, shadwell to be there so the resolution works but all the emotional energy is invested in aziraphale and crowley. It feels like a book adaptation, and less like television
- I came to rewatch to boost stats for good omens renewal, but also because i wanted to know if my initial feeling that "s2 retreads s1's character beats" was right. Sort of yes and no. For crowley, no because his thread is working up to saying something to aziraphale. For aziraphale... kind of yes, in a way. In s2 he's still unwilling to accept things as they actually are and resort to "you're a demon/the bad guy/we're not even friends I don't like you" even as he's more overtly soft and romantic there. Here in the climax his line to crowley is "do something or I won't speak to you anymore" lol. aziraphale's denial comes to bite him back, &c
- crowley's crank which he used to make the heavens appears here first! And he kept it all through the fall and 6000 years of history and it's all about how he really isn't the warrior of the pair. Nerd.

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