I'll go into more details in my review for part 2, but the second half of this feels extremely rushed - especially in the third act.

However, the first part is a great setup and gives us more insight about John, who we've only been vaguely aware of up until this point.

The episode has a cold open on the courtroom as they discuss the prime suspect and prepare to catch him, only for it to be revealed as John. Anyone who's even vaguely aware of the franchise knows he's a hero, so why would he be on trial? It makes you question things from the get-go.

We then see John take a stroll down his home neighborhood (while not caring about his secret identity) until the manhunters show up to spoil things.

They quickly detain him while easily dispatching half of the league, and then the plot begins. We're given a basic overview of what happened (and some side characters we won't remember).

Hawkgirl, Flash, and J'onn get a bit more characterization too - but this episode is all about John, the green lantern. We also get a bit of foreshadowing when the manhunters bumps into one of the lanterns who retorts with "ow! Stupid robot", to which said manhunters prepares to attack before being stopped by the "main" one.

It then ends on a cliffhanger shortly after superman discovers that the entire affair is a lie - the planet is definitely intact (due to the moon's orbit), but hidden by an impressive hologram projector.

It's a great setup for the last part - but alas, said last part kinda falls apart near the end.

However, it's still a good watch, so I'd say to check it out.

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