I'm torn concerning this. I love B5 it's one of the best shows ever made. Ever since its ending JMS is trying to revive and/or prolong it despite the fact he already made it perfect. During that span just producing needless movies that didn't add anything of meaning.
This one feels exactly like that. It has the been there, done that, got the T-shirt and came back kind of story. Another story arc shoehorned into the excisting one. And the conclusion is rather, well, eye-rolling. There where some funny moments but that's about it.
And there is an elephant in the room. Since many of the original cast have passed away they only could make this an animated movie. And it feels wrong and off. The voices are close but still alien. The characters don't really look like their real life versions. It didn't felt like B5.

Since JMS is still working on the B5 remake, with the possible date being pushed further along ona yearly basis, this didn't soften my concerns that we will get anything close to the original.

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