Shout by Alexander von Limberg

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Season 5

5x24 Empok Nor

Good idea to have a sister station. Will maybe come in handy as a plot device in the future. It's also nice to see the Lower Decks at work. Too often you get the impression that this behemoth of a space station is operated by just 10 people or so (that's DS9's Major Design flaw btw). Sadly, these engineers and technicians won't return for obvious reasons. Good idea to make them fight. It would be boring with more battle tested officers. The story is suspenseful. It's not very plausible how this bio-booby-trap works. It also prevents that actions have consequences. As much fun it is to watch Garak become insane, it's really pointless right? Next episode, Garak won't remember and nobody will treat him differently 'cause only the drug is to blame. Plus, it can't be more than a 6/10 since I dislike horror movies. (Laugh as much as you want but this is too scary for me already. )

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