Review by Andy

Resident Alien 2021

The best part of the show is Tudyk's ability to convey the awkwardness, curiosity, and genuine alien nature of Harry is a testament to his remarkable talent as an actor. He fully embraces the quirks and idiosyncrasies of the character, bringing him to life in a way that feels both comical and surprisingly endearing.

The supporting characters did not receive much in terms of character development. They often served as mere plot devices to move the story forward or provide comic relief, with their own backgrounds and motivations largely unexplored. This lack of depth made it difficult to invest in their stories or care about their fates.

The plot of "Resident Alien" also suffered from pacing issues and a lack of meaningful progression. It felt as though the series meandered aimlessly at times, with subplots that failed to connect or pay off in a satisfying way. This lack of cohesion left the audience wondering where the show was heading and whether there was a larger narrative at play.

Resident Alien is a prime example of a promising concept that was let down by lackluster writing. While the show has its moments of humor and charm, it ultimately falls short of its potential, leaving viewers longing for a more thoughtful and engaging exploration of its central premise. If you're a fan of science fiction and expect depth and nuance in your storytelling, you may find "Resident Alien" to be a disappointing experience.

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