Review by Ward

Best episode of the show so far.

I liked the bit of introspection at the end, even though the answer to the mystery isn't that good. There was indeed a lot of red herrings.

I do like the show, even though i'm not a big fan so far.

All of the mysteries are in rural places, so plenty of greenery and old people. Being rural, there's quite a few locations stretched out and small villages and big, stately homes. It was nice in this episode it was mostly contained to one location. I love contained mysteries.

But generally the mysteries in this show are very run of the mill. If you're looking for any kind of innovation, you won't find much of it here, but most of the mysteries are above average.

Still, it's a very relaxing and chill show. Each episode is movie length, and the investigation of the mystery is quite slow. They're kind of addicting really in the sense of you can just relax and watch them.

I like Barnaby, and not so much Troy. Troy's values are just obnoxious, along with his homophobic remarks, and even though it's the late 90s/early 2000s, it's no excuse. I don't know why they do that with Troy. Contrast i guess, but it just under-serves the character.

I like at the end when Barnaby said it's not my place to judge. It reminds me of a Columbo episode "Sex and the detective" when Columbo said the same. I also like when the woman asked him what he thought about the situation. Personally, while i had some sympathy, i don't agree with what she did, and i look upon it more like a form of murder, though Barnaby and others were more sympathetic.

But Barnaby illustrated a great point about his mother. How even when she was sick, he still expressed love, and so did she, even when he thought she couldn't respond back like that. It illustrated that the woman's mother was still the same like even, even more so. She was lucid and still loving, yet her niece still smothered her and killed her. A painful death, suffocating her. And the other contrast was Barnaby's mother's final moments being that of a more loving nature/possible loving nature in their goodbyes or final moments like i just talked about, whereas the woman's mother's last moments was being smothered to death.

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