I had no idea they ever tried to revive the show. I didn't even know a pilot existed.

It's an interesting reimagining and the premise seems much more thought after. If I'm not mistaken this concept is based on what htey planed for a possible second season back in the 60s. I find the personal conflict here very interesting. While Tony, this time a female, has every reason to restore the timeline (and I wouldn't buy her last line), Doug has every reason to preserve this alternate reality. However I can easily understand why this wasn't picked up. It looks kinda cheap, the soundtrack is totally wrong, everything feels just empty.

And in the end they suffer the same issues as the original show as they place drama above logic. Bringing the boy back would not have solved the problem, they would have to take him back to his own time. Which they can't because they only can go "where the storm takes us". Leaving him in 1944 certainly doesn't help. And ultimately restoring the timeline would be a Herculian task as, if my knowledge of temporal mechanics isn't totally off, every event creates infinte possibilities. So they literally are facing trillions of possibile timelines and doing everything right to bring back theirown seems impossible.

Like I said, I understand why this didn't take off, and I probably wouldn't have watched it if it did. It was a dud.

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