Good, fun episode with a good conclusion to the murder mystery even though I personally wanted it to go a different way. Someone had the theory that Tobert's elephant story didn't actually happen, instead it was an allegory for him watching Ben trip and hang from the elevator door and instead of helping he just watched him die. I found this theory to be brillant. There was also talks about him working with Cinda. I get that the love insterest being a culprit has already been done with Jan but I don't think the actor's chemistry with Selena has been great enough for me to just accept him as nothing more than a LI, but whatever. The actual confessions and motives were well done so I'm not too mad, it was not bad at all, just a tad too predictable for my taste.

The trio has been great again all season and I did adore the musical aspect of the whole season but I hope in S4 we stay more in the Arconia and its resisdents. More Theo please as well and I hope Meryl sticks around!

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