Disappointing snoozefest. A lot of action covering up all the potential a final episode for the story so far could've had.

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@allendar I agree with you. But why did you rate it "7 Good"??!!!

@eleon Because I'm not the person that is like; oh it was not so good, then it's a 1 or something. Even tho it's Star Wars pitfalls I don't think it was overall bad. If it wasn't Star Wars and just a random show then I would probably give it an 8 on it's own merits. The snoozefest I'm referring to is also more based on the expectations I had for the continuation of the story and not so much how the quality of the episode was. I think it was enjoyable but not in the perspective of the storyline it has to continue. I feel they do this on purpose for the sake of the movie that follows. It's not fair and they should just conclude the season more with closed ends and maybe just leave one end open for a second season and the movie. This finale is just leave literally every end open and doesn't feel like a finale. But I do agree that maybe a 6 is more suitable for this episode.
