Shout by Rick Gebhardt

Babylon 2022

Buckle up. This is a film all about excess and that carries over to its runtime as well. At 3+ hours there's a lot here and some of it is spectacular...and some of it isn't. This films opening scene is an epic party scene for the ages and it leads into a high energy take on the wackiness of the silent film era. Honestly, the first 90 minutes are extremely fun, but the latter half of the film I found myself not as connected. The emotional resonance that you're supposed to have with our various leads isn't quite there and I had trouble really caring about the hardships they'd fallen into. I hate to say it knowing how long this already is, but it felt like connecting the first half to the second half of the film could have used some more focus and exploration. What's here is definitely ok, but not quite the full, grand experience it was shooting for.

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