Smith and Jones was a solid start to series 3. Similarly to the episode Rose in series 1 we’re thrown into Martha’s life. We get introduced to her chaotic family dynamic and role as a med student until we’re suddenly thrown into an adventure. Like in Rose I loved getting all this detail about a companions wider life and circumstances before their thrown into adventure because it roots me into their perspective. Martha’s family was especially fun. The fact that Martha’s the person everyone goes to to litigate their issues says a lot about her in a small amount of time.

Martha’s dynamic with the Doctor was equally solid. Her quick wit, intelligence and compassion made her instantly likeable. I liked that the Doctor was intrigued with her specifically because she asked the right questions. Agyeman and Tennant had great chemistry from jump and I liked seeing them play off each other.

One surprise was how much I liked the Judoon as Antagonists. The concept of an intergalactic police force deeply concerned with protocol at the expense of treating people with care was done really well here. It was very reminiscent of Douglass Adams’ approach to alien cultures.I did also love the camp of evil granny vampire Ms. Finnegan as the ultimate villain. The straw she used to suck people’s blood was an especially silly detail and I love when the show embraces its goofier elements.

Overall a great start. I have very vivid memories of hating everything the show does with Martha’s character from here on out so I’m bracing for that. But at least at this moment this was a good time.

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