Review by RiGHT

Intergalactic 2021

EDIT: cancelled after 1 season (and rightfully so!) - open ended. Do not bother to watch this crap.

The Tula mom character is endlessly annoying. That person alone is reason enough to get this series cancelled.

For real though - what a dreadfully stupid story. Nothing unique or even remotely interesting.
Of course there is some strong suppressing organisation / government. There are rebels. Theres important people on both sides who have lots of history. Of course.

Main character with daddy issues - check.
Kids having been lied to all of their lives - check
Shifting loyalties all over the place, episode by episode - check
Unfulfilled promise by a smart but weak person who then of course builds up character to say no to addiction - check
White guy abusing power - check
Undervalued boy getting strong - check
Interracial relationship - check. Forbidden love - check.
Mommy issues - check. Kid rebelling against overly controlling mom - check. Mutual understanding reached and love conquers all - check.
Lesbian love - check.
Bad guy pirate turning good - check.
Did I mention shifting loyalties episode by episode? Check check double check.
Illogical personal motivations - check.

Not even sure how many other obvious b.s. I should even bother to list :)

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