Shout by anubis81

Ahsoka 2023

Great so far. F*** the haters, some people don't know their elbow from their arsehole, so why the hell should their opinions matter?

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@anubis81 This show sucks. The acting and writing are horrible, boring... What a waste of time....(and our opinions matter, because without them, disney will continue to produce drivel like this).

@app1wxw bro, your opinion is wrong. The show was great.

@anubis81 I respect that you like the show, but to say that negative comments, or in this case comments that don't reflect your own opinion, don't matter is a prime example of what's wrong with the world.

You like it, other don't. Both matter !

yeah every opinion should be invalidated because it doesnt alighn with yours. You are definitely a fun human being to be around in real life.
