
Perfectly good episode. Two people dealing with saying "I love you" is standard Friends-esque sitcom-ness, but the autoerotic asphyxiation twist to it made that storyline at least...weirder. Mr. PB's guilelessness in having no money and no job was amusing enough. The real meat of the episode came from Princess Caroline. She's never been my favorite character on the show, but they not only cooked up a strange but funny storyline for her, but they managed to wring a bit of pathos out of it as well. Good stuff.

Comedically, a lot of this worked as well. Todd's still hilarious, even when sparsely used, and the brick jokes like the elephant in the room or Wanda telling J.D. Sallinger, "I love it, and I don't use that term lightly" or Caroline's boss longing for a bagel catcher all revealed some nicely setup comedy.

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