Shout by Jordy

Another Round 2020

A decent dramedy with a great performance from the always reliable Mads Mikkelsen. Unfortunately the themes of drinking culture and the midlife crisis are tackled in the most obvious, predictable way. A lot of the writing and character arcs didn’t feel all that fresh or dramatically interesting to me, and on top of that the set-up requires a lot of suspension of disbelief. It’s more of a film that’s elevated by some individual moments, such as the scenes that involve dancing and excessive drinking. Depending on the kind of person you are, you’re likely to either laugh or cringe at those moments, however for me they never go to a place I found surprising. It’s missing something like final 30 minutes from Requiem for a Dream, a risk factor that’d elevate this beyond a standard warning of substance abuse. The directing is pretty decent, I like the strong Danish stamp that Vinterberg works into his direction here, but it’s also way less visually interesting than The Celebration or The Hunt.


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