Review by chat1978

Foundation 2021

Just finished 2nd season and yeah I know it doesn't follow exactly the book. Haven't read them and I don't care about the fact that a book and adaptation are difference. I don't understand this obsession for the book and show to be the same. What matters is the outcome and it is really good for this show though, I do have some remarks mostly from the last 4 episodes where the show goes superb and with a lot of buts that leave a bit of bitter taste.
* certain logical leaps are made that either they were cut in post production or they didn't know how to connect the dots
* The backstories are great. It's actually super.
* There is a focus on actions scenes which are short and don't offer much. THe placement though, the standoffs and the suprises are delivered superbly. An example of bad scene is the one with the fighters and an example of awesomeness is the jump to the palace

What I like about the second season especially but it was there in the first one is that the show feels slow but super dense while it really manages to advance with each episode. Also, the way the "suprise" is injected is incredible. It keeps your interest. It makes you feel that you watched a full season per episode. The music, the actors, the directorship, the clothes are all incredible.

I'm a bit afraid about the continueity of the actors though, especially for Dawn, Day and Demerzel, who must not grow to look older based on their characters.

The blueness of Day is just awesome. My favorite colour. It's a very difficult colour in clothes and it's just superb and it looks great in the rest of the scenes. Day just stands out, both because of his blue attire and because he has the necessary presence.

Btw A+ is by far the best service at this moment. And this is very hard for me to say good things about the company. If you haven't read the books, then it's strongly recommended. If you have read the books I don't know. It depends on your expectations when a book is adapted to the screen.

Sorry for going a bit defensive with the spoiler tags. It's not all spoilers.

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