Review by DAVY X

Get the fcuk outta here
I can not suspend my
disbelief any more.
That was a ridiculous
and unbelievable rescue.
Noway they would have
pulled that off in a high
security base like that.
And that at the end to
get out of there was so
predictable, all it needed
was the X WINGS to show up.
Don't get me started on
The ever annoying Reva
who can't Jedi mind fcuk
Leia to extract any
information and doesn't
Realise she's extremely
strong with the force,
nor does she report it to
Vader, what a load of
Then the Tala distraction
plan was idiotic and
eye rolling and the fact
that Reva engaged in
this cringy drawn out conversation well it
served as to making
Reva even more of an
incompetent fool.
I really hope Reva does
get what she deserves,
I thought this episode
would have been that
joy but some how she
managed to blag Vader
of all people with that
silly trick she pulled on
Leia, as if that makes up
for the colossal cluster
fcuk she's creating by
constantly having her
Best laid plans (lol)
go up in smoke.
That disguise at the end
lol was comical and the
fact they got that far was
(Who was that guy
who died at the end on
our side, was he important
because they sure did
try to make it a massive
episode ending event
as though the Leader of
the resistance had just
been taken out or something,
Me I was trying to remember
what the guy looked like).

You want to pull an episode
like this off with any kind
of credibility then just
look at
The Mandalorian
season 2 finally
the rescue of baby Grogu
now that was
Frickin Awesome,
and that's how it's
done right (10/10).

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