Review by Ward

It's a good episode but i don't like how the personalities, the consciousness of those plant beings weren't explored. They acted like humans and were as complex as humans, yet in the end the writer reduced them to pretty much mindless enemies. By doing that you take away interest, you take away character, and you take away an interesting point concerning morality and existentialism, some of my favorite topics. That of who these beings are? What do they think of themselves as creations? Can they change? Susan was mostly just forgotten about. It would have been nice if she tried to change at the end or if she felt something real for Bruce and tried to do something, but then again their relationship wasn't fleshed out a lot.

Instead of any moral nuance concerning characters, we get nothing but a standard direction of plot.

Bruce falling for Susan (voiced by Linda Hamilton!) makes sense more when it's later explained by the pheromones. And also because of how genuinely caring and understanding she seems to be, and Bruce falls for that more because he's unaccustomed to this kind of woman, and he's unaccustomed to relationships in general. His inexperience made him a fool in love, as most of us were.

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