w t f was that - what was the utility of revealing the doctor to be 1) a child experiment 2) the founder of the time Lords 3) a secret govt agent (???) with numerous lives (??????) isn't the foundation of the character that she's a renegade and running away and all, and also how did the govt agent age??????????? This gets rid of a lot of foundation for the understanding of the doctor

There are a lot of nonsensical plot decisions in dw, but at least they advance something, plot or emotion. Here it only solves the past 2(?) episodes (the appearance of the jo martin) and the doctor in no way even emotionally acknowledges any of it once the climax is over. I get that doctor who has always been a bit nonsensical about plot but at least there was some kind of emotional logic and this did not have any. Tbh from the pov of having seen 14 and only 1 2 5 9 10 in this season I could totally accept that 13 has been trauma dissociating away from her life (even before the big trauma of this season hits..)

The companions are so uninteresting, graham praising yaz is unearned.

Chibnall was mediocre before all this but this is actively bad

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