Maybe with some different main characters - with a lot less ''brooklyn, yeah baby''-vibes - this could have a better movie. Or at least some actors who can act. Woke-broke-etc.
Also strongly dislike what they did to Wheeljack.
And the whole dinobots whose origin story got totally raped into "maximals" sucks too. I was looking forward to Grimlock and the others.
This was quite disappointing.
Stratosphere was probably one of the few good things about this movie.
The only good casting done here was Pete Davidson as Mirage. He really fits with that character.
Arcee didnt really strike me at all, so cant comment.
Funny that I didnt even recognise Petre Dinklage and Ron Perlman's voices. Michelle Yeoh was very obvious.
All in all : huge disappointment.
After Bumblebee I thought they had finally 'got it'. Seems not.

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