this episode was much worth the wait. i cant explain the joy and elation of dale being back, the immediate comfort and happiness as he spoke, the way things finally felt right. theres nothing in this episode that i didn't enjoy, from the mitchum brothers to the dianne reveal. everything just fell so perfectly into place. the devastation of janey-e realizing that this isnt dougie, that everything good and positive that has happened thanks to dougie as of late is in fact nothing to do with her husband. hopefully the copy mike conjurs up is a better man for her and sonny jim, they deserve it. this is the first episode i felt a real connection to dianne, her monolog about what happened that night really hit hard and was done beautifully, something somewhat rare in twin peaks.

as cooper returns to the town that started it all i feel unbelievable excitement, but also a small heartache. i wish so very dearly that harry truman could've been there, that we could get that reunion. frank has been great, i enjoy his character plenty, but the dale and harry dynamic was such a core part of my enjoyment of the original show and holds such a special place in my heart. things just havent felt right without harry, i miss him dearly.

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