Review by JasperKazai
BlockedParentSpoilers2024-01-04T00:34:50Z— updated 2024-01-05T00:56:49Z

Once again, Veronica fighting so hard to keep her parents together makes no sense with her history of actively trying to remove her father from their lives. Classic Riverdale - characters being written to fill the hole the writers need them to fill at that moment in time, regardless of whether or not it makes sense.

How convenient that Archie was able to secure multiple pardons so easily. Let's hope none of the teens that were freed are actually violent criminals that will re-offend. They were in prison to begin with for a reason, after all...

For the past few episodes, Jughead has sent out Serpents to "investigate" something, and they come back and report one specific piece of the overall plot. It's getting really old. Bad and lazy writing.

How the hell did Archie get down to the ground to chase Kurtz so quickly? Both he and Jughead were on the same floor, then Jughead fell through a window to the ground. But then Archie was there mere seconds later. How?!

It occurred to me in this episode that Gladys is a cheap knockoff of Gemma Teller from Sons of Anarchy. They have her hair done up almost exactly like Gemma, and they dress similarly. They even both have a G name.

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