Review by Aeron
BlockedParent2024-01-05T12:27:26Z— updated 2024-01-06T13:51:54Z

"I'm going to make him watch all the Star Trek, all three series." - Danielle Poole, 2003~4

If you count The Animated Series, that means this timeline did not get Deep Space Nine or Voyager (or Enterprise). I can imagine this has something to do with the falling out Ronald D. Moore had with Star Trek's Executive Producer at the time Rick Berman, who gave him hell on DS9 and led him to leave Voyager very early on. I wonder how many TNG movies there are in this timeline. This episode is set about around when the last TNG movie, Nemesis, was released in our timeline.

Edit: Someone else pointed out that FAM's timeline might have gotten Star Trek Phase II. Which would mean no Next Generation either. And because The Motion Picture was created from the ashes of the cancellation of Phase II, probably no Star Trek films at all! Imagine a few years of 60s Trek, a couple years of 60s cartoon Trek, then maybe a few more years of 70s Trek, all influenced by a young Roddenberry. And then the franchise peters out and gets shelved alongside shows like Battlestar Galactica and Space 1999 because people are much more interested in actual space travel than imagined space travel.

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Hopefully they won't get Bad Robot either.

@mellowgeek Wouldn't it be funny if there's a two-second blurb in the intro of season 5 about how they tried to reboot Star Trek with younger actors and it failed miserably?

@aeronmelon Ronald D. Moore has stated that it's TOS, Star Trek Phase II and then presumably TNG or some other version. https://screenrant.com/star-trek-for-all-mankind-only-3-shows/
