Shout by FinFan

Oh c'mon. "If you refuse to co operate we kill Agent Weller". Really ?! That is so generic and unoriginal and lame.

This show started out pretty well and had some good individual episodes. But what seemed to be it's strong point, the mystery, the conspiracy, is becoming its weakness. The twist and turn and add up and up only lessens it value. The more cryptic the talk, "the people we work with", the more generic the lines, "will stop at nothing to see this through", the more boring it becomes. Also, that indicates she didn't do it to herself or, at least, not on her own. It's a group.

Add in unnessessary romances that do nothing for the overall plot but, of course, have to be there, you water the whole thing down even more.

I said at the beginning that I'm curious to see if this can hold my interest. It's starting to slip.

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