Shout by FinFan

Spartacus 1960

When they say: "they don't make movies like this anymore" - this is the kind of movie they are talking about.

It costs a whooping 12m USD - about 126.5m USD in todays money. However, even for that amount you couldn't make it today like they used to. Over 10000 people were involved. The battle at the end had 8000 people in it. People, not CGI generated objects. The sheer logistics of that is mind blowing. Everything you wanted in the picture had to be build or sought out. The closest to SFX you get is matte-painting. This is why it's called an epic - a monumental movie.

The story ? It's a classic in the truest sense of the word. You can call it cheesy, predictable, flawed if you like. I could understand all that. But that's true for many movies today equally.

The movie is on of the classics you have to watch if you consider yourself an enthusiast in my opinion.

I recommend reading the section with all the background infos over on imdb. It's very interesting.

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