Shout by zxki

Sound of Metal 2020

This movie was built on interpretation. Everything we had to interpret was by sight, almost as if we were deaf. As I watched it, I was forced to make my own opinions on what happened or is going to happen. I absolutely love and hate open scenarios where we decide what happens. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, so believe me, this movie becomes your own. The production of this amazed me, and finding out it was shot in only 24 consecutive days is insane when you see the quality of acting and metaphorical cinematography. The sound work was astonishing. Genuinely astonishing. I'm not deaf but for those 2 hours, I felt the annoyance, horror, peace, hate, evny, beauty, and so on, that Ruben felt. In other words, I became him. The pain I felt in the noise. The peace I felt in the silence. A must watch.

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