Shout by SpiderJerusalemInTheMountains

Constellation: Season 1

1x03 Somewhere in Space Hangs My Heart

We started out on parallel journeys, but we forked somewhere. That said, WTF is this...

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@spiderjerusaleminthemountains I'm just glad 8 episodes aren't that many and that I am unable to binge watch this. Every episode has been a disappointment, so far. But at least I find this season to be quite consistent in its almost mediocrity.

@misnomer thank you, this sums up my feelings 100%. Apple wants to please EVERYONE by using the Tom Cruise formula, problem being that this is great to get numbers, as it will please enough people, rightfully so for them to enjoy; but this effect alienates some people, as I personally cannot stand the Tom Cruise effect, and find that shows that shallow on the topic of interest for me, just doesn't do anything for me.

At the moment I am 1 episode away from stopping, solely due to my refusal to allow myself to hate watch anything anymore. I will revisit shows I quit, I tried Breaking Bad 3 times, I just cannot get into it (but I was watching Battlestar Galactica at the time, and two depressing shows was too much) even now. So who knows, one day I may come back to this, but in all honesty, I won't.

@spiderjerusaleminthemountains Depressing?! Battlestar Galactica are two of the best shows ever!
The acting abilities of the protagonist of this one though...

@mellowgeek I loved BSG, but it was NOT an upbeat show, lol, it was a sad/depressing episodic few years.

This, well.. This just was not for me in any way.
