an entire mediocre and at many points boring, not good season, ends with a banger that actually works really damn well. it's funny, plotlines are tied up and is entertaining, but room for drama that actually makes sense, just like the show used to be.

it's been so long since this show felt like I should care for what's happening, and this episode did it. Tami and Lips fight actually works really well, as much as it isn't peak shameless, it works. even the gay cult gets a fitting end and place in this episode. the weakest and imo only weak part being Julia, plays into lots of jokes and has barely any screen time so it works

I just don't get why Kelly isn't here at all, Fiona makes sense irl but damn would've been nice for a "Michael scott" type return like the office did in its finale.

anyways, it's been a while since we've gotten an actual good episode, and this was it. first good season finale since 7

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