Shout by Chandramohan Kannan

Constellation 2024

"Did Schrodinger's cat write the plot?" is the first question that comes to my mind while watching this show.

Typically, stories have plot holes and paradoxes that are either intentionally left open for future seasons or unintentionally created because of lazy writing. However, in a quantum world, paradoxes are the plot and plot holes make the story, and the audience is expected to keep up with this unnecessarily and overly convoluted ride, hoping that the creators will come to it and close the loop before the network wakes up cancels the show.

I hate science fiction shows that take up more than they can chew and create quantum worlds that are both utopian and dystopian at the same time... in their eagerness to create paradoxes and oxymorons... they only reveal themselves to be absolute morons...

Brilliant actors, but like I said, the plot and the speed of narration means I won't be too surprised if the show gets cancelled before the showrunners make a point.

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@asiacrisp I'm happy to hear that reading reviews of a show not fully released brought a smile to your face. Although, I shouldn't assume that you actually smiled just because you used the adjective "funny" to describe the emotion you felt. I do feel a pinch of sadness because you put yourself under so much pressure to read comments about incomplete shows, and respond to them... something you must truly abhor. It fails me as to why a person, who otherwise finds it funny to read such comments, would even read them in the first place, much less respond to them... like you rightly commented, I have no idea either what the show is about or what your response to my comment was about.

Regardless, when I made my initial comment, I had rice and yoghurt for dinner on February 28th. Would that information suffice, or is there anything else that I could regale you about my other habits or interests?

@asiacrisp My reviews, just like any other person posting here, are my personal opinions. If someone chooses to engage with them, they do so at their own risk and peril. These are unpaid reviews from my perspective and should be treated as such. I don't need or seek validation, appreciation, or motivation from an unseen online audience, regardless of whether my words are seen as correct or not.

It's possible that my assessment may not always be perfect (or like you put it sloppy), but since I don't go searching for approval to attest my views, I'm more than comfortable with who I am and can live with it. With that being said, if my reviews (and/or responses thereof) continue to seem funny, bizarre, or otherwise engaging, please keep reading and responding. I'll do my best to respond when I have the time.

@chandramohan-kannan It's like taking a bs story and slapping "quantum" on it to hand-wavy-ly explain away things.

@chandramohan-kannan Your answers make no sense when comments are deleted.

@asiacrisp on Apr 5, 2024 writes, "@chandramohan-kannan Your answers make no sense when comments are deleted."

I respond on Apr 5, 2024,
@asiacrisp / Crayons / whatever name you want to go by... listen, I understand that you deleted your replies, but it's not fair to blame me for your decision. I did not force you to engage with my comment/opinion, nor did I ask you to delete them later. I cannot be your personal assistant and cater to your expectations of removing my interaction with your responses just because you choose to erase your feedback.

However, I understand that you may have changed your mind and might want to delete this comment as well. Therefore, I've copied your current feedback before responding to ensure that my answer still makes sense. I won't compromise the integrity of my interactions just because you choose to delete your feedback.

@chandramohan-kannan Someone else deleted my comments. Please don't put words in my mouth. I enjoyed our discussion and support your comments being read. I appreciate you saving mine.

@asiacrisp on Apr 6, 2024 writes, "@chandramohan-kannan Someone else deleted my comments. Please don't put words in my mouth. I enjoyed our discussion and support your comments being read."

I respond on Apr 6, 2024,
@asiacrisp in that case, I highly recommend writing to Trakt to enquire if restoring your erased comments is possible, while also demanding an explanation for why they were erased in the first place, especially if you did not initiate such an action.

@chandramohan-kannan I confirmed with support that my comments were deleted because I "invalidated" your review, which is a misunderstanding. I just want to be clear I support you voicing your review and it has a place here, despite my distaste for it. Really, my replies to you were invalidated and do not matter to whoever deleted them.
