Review by wolfkin

Lisa Frankenstein 2024

While the little amount of advertising I saw clearly showed the first posters and tagline to be garbage (meaning they're nothing like the movie) even that first trailer which sold me didn't really reflect the final product.

This movie in any given scene looks like it's going to be something along the lines you predict like My Best Friend Is a Vampire (1987). It's got some similar vibes and certainly Diablo's script and Zelda direction pay enough homage to the 80s even if I would have preferred some more modern synth tracks just for variety to the well worn tones of REO Speedwagon.

But even though it's not what I expected walking in. I can't say I hated it. It's a movie that loves it's characters as much as it loves the 80s. Lisa makes decisions that one might call bad but the movie doesn't hate her for it. She's not a longer constantly bullied by literally everyone around her. She's a girl in pain being bullied by mostly everyone around her. The difference is slight but interesting. Visually it's fantastic. A delight for the eyes.

I've been saying for a long time since I found out how wrong I was about Jennifer's Body (2009) that I wanted to see more Diablo Cody work. Finally I've taken the time to do it and yeah great stuff. Zelda's debut is an excellent one. Should be interesting to see how she fares in the future.

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