Started off well then dropped off a cliff after episode 3. The Pacific paled compared to Band of Brothers but this is so much worse. I guess there’s only so much story you can get out of a war based series where the only time in action is when the crew are in the air, it’s very well done but once you’ve seen it you’ve seen it. It seems the writers get that too so it starts to dive off in all sorts of directions after a few episodes and that’s where it really falls apart.

Firstly you have the typical Spielberg / Hollywood “God bless America” crap, complete with the anti British sentiment plus of course if history didn’t happen the way you wanted it to, just make shit up right? There’s more plot and and historical holes in this than every flak round fire throughout the war could have made. In an attempt to give the story some meat we get downed pilots trying to escape (threads that just seem to get forgotten), a crew crash in Scotland, a bunch sent to a convalescent centre and, heck why not, more downed crew trying to escape.

The acting is also pretty second rate with a solid line up of out of work extras all trying way to hard to be uber cool / tough. There’s nothing to like about any of them, indeed it’s hard to form any attachment to any one of them let alone find anything to care about.

Overall I think it’s a cash in on the first two series that put all its eggs in the basket of the first two episodes and now there’s nothing left. Maybe Spielberg should stick to real history rather than just making shit up, it’s actually far more interesting than this “I wish it had happened this way” gung ho drivel. You only need to look at IMDB to see the justified panning this series is getting.

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