It’s amazing how the Jews are doing the same to Palestinians, what the Germans did to them. History repeats itself. Wonder when the world will start it’s bombing campaign on the Jews to stop them.

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@whos_ur_buddha Well, this episode did show how the German people suffered just as the Londoners did in so many films. But let's not forget why Israel is attacking Gaza…to free the Palestinian people from an authoritarian regime which took power undemocratically in 2007, overturning Palestinian elections. Hamas reigned for 16 years before this recent war began; Hitler's Third Reich ruled for only 6 before WW2 broke out. The parallel between Hamas and the Nazis is quite obvious, and it's clear that Israel has a lot more patience than the Allies did.
But I too am disgusted at people's resort to violence to solve problems. I struggle to maintain hope that humanity will ever stop killing one another.

@whos_ur_buddha kind of a dumb comment. Millions are not dying. Even though I agree 1000s are way to many.
