Review by Shubes

The Ritual 2017

I have mixed emotions about this one; about 66% in, I was ready to write a full-on great review about this...and then it ended and I was left with that awful feeling of, "That's it?" In all honesty, this was a great little find on Netflix and I really enjoyed it. More than just another "A group of friends get lost in the woods on a hike" film, this actually had a neat little storyline to go along with it. I use the term "go along with it" because the weird twist was, in a sense, what the movie was all about and yet you didn't realize it until right at the end of the film. While I love a good blood-and-guts splatter film occasionally, I still enjoy the weird, spooky mind-benders and this one fell into that category. You knew something was going on...and you knew something was behind what this group of friends were dealing with... you just didn't know for sure WHAT it was, or if it was real or imagined. All in all, I found this to be a really good film that can fall into the "horror" genre without actually being "horrific". It was creepy but didn't have the cheap jump scares that so many have. It had a really dark feel to it almost from the beginning and sadly, the ONLY reason I can't give this a higher rating is because the ending was so horribly abrupt and so...well, just completely detached from the entire rest of the story. No spoilers here: just watch it for yourself and see if you agree. It might work (the ending, that is) for some folks but it left me really wanting a more definite conclusion. If it weren't for such a disappointing ending, I would strongly consider watching this one again; it was that good throughout, but man, that finish just didn't work at all. Too bad, because the rest of this was an excellent film.

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