Review by Ross R Vincent

Mortal Engines 2018

Mortal Engines was one of those films that sort of was lost in the shuffle, for me.
It came out during that confusing period between Thanksgiving and New Years. So many other things are going on during that time- holidays with family, last minute shopping, trying to finish out the work projects before years end, and taking mini-vacations.

Flash forward 5 years later - the movie random pops up on Netflix and I am "hey, let's give it a go".

At first, I was enjoying it - it was exciting and fun. I recognized the male lead from his work on "Umbrella Academy", and of course, there is good ol' Hugo, challenging another potential baddie.

But it wasnt until the mask was dropped and we saw Hester's full face that it dawned on me who she was - and suddenly, I had to remind myself that the role she had in "See" is not the same one she has in this film. (AKA- She is not some evil witch, who can seem to die, no matter what happens to her). Took a while, but eventually, ....well, I wont have been to upset if she had mysteriously fallen to her death from the sky city....

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