Good episode.

The episode is held back by a limited budget, though You never get the idea that this world is inhabitated by thousands of people. It just another one of those Mexican pueblos with a central marketplace that you'll find in many episodes in TNG, Voyager or DS9. Plus, the alien race looks very strange. Awful.

If you're however prepared to overlook these issues, you'll be entertained. It's exciting since stakes are high. Data has a real challenge at hand and with help of that energetic girl he's doing great. Her Lesens a valuable lesson. The conflict never escalates to a degree that Starfleet has to choose between upholding a binding treaty or saving people. This ethical dilemma will be discussed in later episodes (and movies).

Back on the Enterprise, Deanna stops being useless. It's the first time you understand why Picard hired her as his personal counselor. Picard is trying diplomacy. When this fails he resorts to shady methods: jurisprudence. He can read legalese. A legal loophole will save the day. Entertaining.

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