Shout by Heather Leigh

Poor Things 2023

I really loved this movie. Which surprised me because I expected to not like it. But I really did enjoy it.

The acting was really great. Emma Stone and William Defoe blew it out the water. She definitely deserved that Oscar.

The effects were interesting. I did enjoy the contrasts from black/white to vibrant color. I thought it was impressively well done.

The sex scenes were plentiful but they played a part in the plot. It wasn’t gratuitous. Well, maybe someone can argue it was at least a bit. But it was definitely a plot piece. And probably some social commentary but I just want to use movies as an escapism, so read another review for that.

All in all, a brilliant movie. Fantastic performances. Impressive. If you’re not a minor and not ashamed of the human body/natural impulses, give it a go.

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