Review by Justin Numerick

The Crown

Season 3

This show has become a weird one to rate, because while I don't think the quality has gone down at all from a production or performance standpoint and thus this is still one of the best crafted shows I've seen, my interest seems to be going down. It was a harsh transition to the new actors in this third season. I don't think anyone is miscast, I think the performances are spectacular and really show a maturing while also now bringing in more central roles for characters who are coming of age, but it was still a harsh transition after falling in love with the performances of the first two seasons. I also just found so many of the episodes pretty boring in here, and that's probably just due to the novelty wearing off and things feeling very monogamous with not enough new to keep me engaged. I had a hard time finishing this season. Whenever I had some spare time I would think about watching another episode and I just never really wanted to watch any more. There are some big standouts though, particularly episode 7 which may just be my favorite episode of the entire series to this point. But it's just buried in between so many other episodes that I didn't connect with or engage with beyond the phenomenal production. IDK, I just seem to have lost interest on a personal level. Still a good show but one that I will probably take a break from and perhaps revisit later if I feel the desire to again.

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