Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2024-03-29T21:57:49Z— updated 2024-05-13T19:13:03Z

From start to finish a very exciting episode. I mean, Romulans, Klingons, the neutral zone, auto-destruction, cloaking maneuvers, Shakespeare, difficult decisions, the burden of command, loyalty vs. ethics, elaborate scheming, a serious enemy. What's there not to like?

I feel they made a mistake though. After it was all over and he suggested that he "did it for nothing", Picard (with Deanna's help who surely most have sensed his suicidal tendencies - where is she in such situations? Can't she stop being useless?) should have stepped in immediately. Cause the truth is: his brave actions showed that some Romulans are not belligerent at all and act on grounds of ethics and inter-planetary law. Stauffenberg didn't die for nothing either, right? This very unlikable man told the federation a valuable lesson, although the immediate danger was fictional and thus could never materialized. I'd have liked that the guy survived and maybe embraced his new life in exile.

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