Review by Majo LC

Almost always, I say I'm gonna leave a comment later and never do (might still go back someday), so I'm sorry for this being absurdly long, but there's just too much I've been keeping in, lol.

Once again i'm debating with how I feel about this episode, cause I really liked it, and was excited about a lot of things. I really didn't know where Nick was going with all that, and found he's scheming good, and feeling once again that he's more disturbing than I can remember feeling Lucifer ever was. Also funny how it started with Dean playing mouse trap, and then all of it kind of being a real life one.

And the end with Jack, which was obvious where it was all going, but still liked it and think it's a plausible way for him to be the next big bad or next in line to save from himself (soulless, not knowing how to deal with things, and accidentally hurting someone so important to them, which apart from the obvious problems with the Winchesters, the guilt probably consuming him).

The problem I have is that everything good, happens out of either rushed and underdeveloped things, or them just acting stupid and out of character for the sake of the plot (I know it's been a long time thing). I mean I get sometimes it'll happen, and some dumb decisions I can just look away. But lately there's just been too many and too obvious.

First, Nick is now human but seems to be presented as equally dangerous as Lucifer, even physically. A long time ago Dean was supposed to be the best at torturing info out of anyone. I get he doesn't want to be that person, so might refrain (all though with a friend in danger, I'm not sure he would), but this last seasons it seems everyone can just take any torture without breaking. Also, they have Castiel who can literally force his way into his mind, to see where Donny is, and to know his plan (Again, I know they've been conveniently making him useless for a while now). The same could say with Jack, not only half-angel, but one of the most powerful beings in existence. Sure they could play longer with the "he's inexperienced and doesn't know how to use/control all his powers still" but that fact that he literally just stepped in to be head-butted and did nothing else. (Also I don't believe Dean would just let him go in on his own, just cause Nick said so). This is even worse, since he could have  instantly gone to the boys when they figured the trap, instead of Mary just calling.

Then the boys, casually driving Nick around (who has escaped many times), with nothing but a pair of handcuffs. Just the two of them, knowing they're going to have to separate, after which Sam proceeds to step out of the car and take his eyes off of Nick. I do have to say, I did enjoy Dean fighting the demons. But after, Sam deciding NOT to kill Nick, like what? I know it wasn't about a moral thing, or not giving into his anger, since he hasn't actively been looking for revenge, his given him many chances, Nick's actively trying to kill them, and it wouldn't be the first time they take care of a human threat, also Sam literally says "not yet" moments before, knowing he has to be dealt with. After that, he gets hit in the head with a rock, and under other circumstances I'd be happy they take it seriously, but here... the heavily experienced hunter, who has fought through many severe injuries and getting constantly hit in the head before, forgets how to defend himself from a, again, beaten-up human!! And then the "we don't even want to move him" and "we're waiting for an ambulance", yeah, that's a convenient first too.

Now, i'm glad with how the whole Nick thing went on. I don't think it was necessary for him to be brought back, (especially cause I thought that the "deus ex machina - the blade didn't kill him" was going to be relevant for Michael), but I really found him interesting and was invested in his story. from his wanting "justice", to spiraling, to realizing he actually likes being sadistic, and wanting to bring Lucifer back to live without consequences. Although the last one was not really plausible, since how did they know how to do it so easily, even though nobody knew before about the empty (also why didn't the empty do anything about L being awake, but ok). But I enjoyed it, especially cause they didn't bring him back, and it was just a set up for Jack unravelling.

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