Review by Justin Numerick

Shōgun 2024

Shōgun is a type of show that just delivers across the board. From a technical standpoint, to the performances, to the writing and characters, everything is so well done. You don't often get shows this well-written and coupled with dynamic characters, fascinating relationships, an incredibly immersive and transportive atmosphere, and full of emotions, tension, and intrigue. I especially appreciate that it never loses its focus and doesn't fall into the temptation of turning it into a big action spectacle. The finale displays one of the most impressive uses of restraint that I have seen, choosing to give a dialogue-focused ending that focuses on the characters, which is what this show is all about. Transitioning to an action-heavy finale or big final battle would not have been true to the writing or the characters. We get the satisfying payoffs the show had been hinting to the entire time, while not sacrificing the writing, characters, or tone. The penultimate episode is also one of the best single episodes of TV in recent memory, one driven by the finale of a phenomenal character and arc, and powered by an incredible performance by Anna Sawai. She is a standout to me, but it should not be understated how insanely good every performance is. Sawai, Hiroyuki Sanada, Cosmo Jarvis, and Tadanobu Asano all deserve praise, as do the rest of the supporting cast. This show should be nominated for Emmys in every technical category too. Only reason I'm not slapping this with a perfect score at this moment is that I feel as if there would be even more to appreciate on a second watch. The writing and attention to detail is so rich and dense that I know there are likely things I have missed and that I would pick up on with a rewatch. That's not really a criticism, but it just feels right to give my experience with it room to grow.

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