Review by Dulneth Perera

Vinland Saga 2019

"You have no enemies"

Just finished watching Vinland Saga 2 which I have been keeping on hold after watching the first 14 episodes. I decided to binge the next 10 episodes all in one go and I think in my opinion Vinland Saga is not just one of the best Anime to ever exist, but it is one of the best most inspiring fictional stories ever written

I can't express my feelings on how good this season in particular was, so much better than season 1 in my opinion, season 2 had a much clearer and a better direction and they also doubled down on the action. Can totally understand people calling this a farming simulator. But if you guys know me I prefer character development over anything mindless action and killing dudes left and right. Although there is such a good balance between the 2 overall in the series. I feel like season 2 did a much better job at storytelling. The characters are nothing less than memorable. I love the cast, may have cried a couple times for their backstories and an untimely death of one of my favourite characters in shows midway through the season. I easily get emotionally attached to characters, especially female characters I just can't help it, not trynna be a simp or whatever it's just me.

Please watch this show.

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