Review by Niklas Pivic

Steve Jobs 2015

This is a boxed experience, by which it's clear whom has written it. Style can be great. This is intense, which is cool. It's convoluted. Can be very good. It's not complicated, but often a dirge in reverse; the dialogue is basically the same for all characters, which are all dressed differently. That's an issue that I dislike with Sorkin's films. Well, while a lot of people often behave similarly in real life, it's a murky feature to me, that stands out like broken pixels in a computer screen.

Having stated the above points, the film succeeds in displaying Jobs as a flawed person, but given all the hoo-hah that occurs during the film, due to everything happening during Apple events, it's hard to see his self. Well. I can't say I could or would have seen his self during other times, but the documentary "Steve Jobs: The Man In The Machine" gives much more flesh to Jobs' bones, where this film appears quite shallow. Good acting and, at times, stellar writing is interesting, but as a whole, this film does not work for me. It's scatterbrained, amidst all of its seemingly good intentions and radiance. I rather recommend the documentary to this film.

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