Review by Deleted

Only God Forgives 2013


Review by Deleted

So, I saw Only God Forgives and it was really disappointing. Now, I didn't have huge expectations going into it in the first place, and it's not like there were no redeeming qualities to this movie whatsoever, and it's not like there were no redeeming qualities to this movie whatsoever,but it is definitely not something that I would recommend.

Now, there are plenty of great movies out there that have minimal action scenes and slow pacing, but when it works it's usually because the audience members have something to digest when they're watching it. In Only God Forgives the story is not only ridiculously simple but kind of irrelevant. The movie obviously knows when it's most marketable scenes are, because those scenes were in the trailer. When people get excited by all those short clips in a trailer, they're mostly excited by the promise that those scenes will actually be held together by something.they're mostly excited by the promise that those scenes will actually be held together by something.

Watching two characters fighting is not nearly as entertaining as watching two characters you actually understand and care about, fighting. During many of the scenes in this movie I found myself thinking that they would be better scenes if they were simply in a different movie. One with, maybe, some context! Long, drawn-out scenes of silent actors' faces might be compelling if there was some glue holding them together. But I felt like there was no story progressing in between at all. It was all icing and no cake. The film was visually interesting, despite it being visually repetitive. But most of it is what I would like to call pretentious.

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