Review by abetancort

Steve Jobs 2015

This movie have been grossly misunderstood by some of the critics and in particular by Apple's and Steve Jobs' followers. Aaron Sorkin never intended to make a "BioPic" on Steve Jobs or a factual account of Apple Inc. history.

You have to take a step back to realize that film is not only good from a pure point of view of a movie and its real goal to be entertaining, believable and keep you wondering what would happen next even if you know the end; it is also a skillful exploitation of one of Steve's most brilliant and perfected talents, the art of storytelling.

What Sorking is doing with the script and in the movie is using Jobs own tool to tell us how Steve was and why he was that way, and using not facts but distorting reality to tell us how he was beyond what most people got to see of him. Aaron successfully [IMHO] conveys to the audience, who went to the theater to see something beyond another Valley it story, the character, the charisma, the troubled personality, the strategist, the salesman, the pragmatic leader, the tumbling learner, the resilient, the solitary, the perfectionist, the story teller, the selective amnesiac that was Steve Jobs and unique blend of traits that made him the unique leader, visionary that enabled him to thrive where most would simply would have failed.

Steve Jobs was all that, a Genius and an Asshole, an one could not have been without the other. And here it is where the movie (all the cast, director and everyone else) and Aaron Sorkin are simply brilliantly succeeded in transmitting us, through a simple story, that Jobs could not have been his best without his worse. His worse simply made him be his best and the other way around, both at the same time most of the time.

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